Worship, Walk with, and Work for Christ - Our Commitment to a Quality of Discipleship
Quality disciples worship Christ, walk with Christ, and work for Christ. A disciple who worships Christ attends our weekend services to ascribe worth, honor, and glory with the local body and is committed to living a life of exalting Christ privately in their individual lives or in the lives of their family. A disciple who walks with Christ is committed to abiding in Christ through personal spiritual disciplines and is committed to live out their walk in fellowship with others through our small groups. A disciple who works for Christ is committed to shouldering weekly Kingdom responsibility in the life of our church and to sharing the gospel with boldness in the world.
We are committed to multiplying the godly characteristics of quality disciples' lives into others.—2 Timothy 2:2
We strongly believe this multiplication of ministry is key to the healthy growth of the church.
We believe the disciples of Jesus Christ should minister to one another in the local church, rather than one or a small number of professional pastors bearing total responsibility to care for the entire congregation. God has given spiritual gifts to all of His people to provide mutual ministry in the context of the healthy and strong local church.—Ephesians 4:11-12.